Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And thus were my Sylar dreams squashed!

Your result for The Heroes Personality Test...

Mr. Bennet

You scored 67 Idealism, 54 Nonconformity, 42 Nerdiness

Are you on the list?

Congratulations, you're Mr. Bennet! You are one mysterious person with mysterious motives. Despite all the mystery, it's clear that you believe what you do is for the greater good, and you are obviously a well-educated person in your field.

Your best quality: Dedication to your work/organization/etc.
Your worst quality: Keeping too many secrets

Take The Heroes Personality Test
at HelloQuizzy


sujoygolan said...

:)) Bang on!!

Damozel said...

I hoped for Sylar, dreaded being Peter, secretly wished to be Mohinder, would have felt cool to be Nathan and being Jessica would have been kinky. So you see, Bennet shocked me from his left field entrace, which is often what he does on Heroes anyways. So totally In Character for him.